  • July 12, 2021 2 min read

    I thought I’d introduce myself a little more today. So my name is Marie-Eve, and I’m the founder and designer of Clothes & Roads.

    I decided to launch my own clothing company in 2017 after coming back from a backpack trip and living in a tent, a trailer, a dorm, a van, and hotels for 10 months in the Canadian Rockies, the American East Coast, and Mexico. What a thrill it was !

    Living out of a suitcase really pushed me to reconsider everything I possessed. Do I really need this? I concluded that you do not need lots of things to live well, and certainly not when you choose carefully and thoughtfully.

    Also read blog post ''Comment le voyage m'en rendue minimaliste''

    As the seasons changed over my trip, I managed to evolve my wardrobe according to my needs and I figured minimal was the way to go. Not only for my trips, but for my daily life too. Getting dressed in the morning became so much easier. The less clothes I had, (but that I actually wore) the easier it was to get dressed. It applied to my life on the road, and also when I came back, at home.

    This is how I came around deciding to create minimalistic designs, versatile pieces that are a must no matter where your adventures take you, near or far from home. And of course, creating locally and being ecofriendly was a no brainer for me.

    There you have it, how my adventures inspired me and eventually Clothes & Roads came to life!

    If you want to know why I decided to make my clothing locally, you can read my other blog post over here.

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