

“Made to order” means you can still order items that are out of stock and we'll sewone just for you! We offer this option only for itmes in our collection that are currently out of stock but for which we have all necessary production material. It will take a few extra days to ship your order (compared to in-stock items), but your clothing will be made just for you!

The made-to-order option is only available for products that are soldout or when the ordered quantity exceeds our current inventory (e.g., if we only have one left in stock but you would like to order two).

Made to order does not apply to:

  • Clearance items
  • Discounted or promo items
  • Products for which we currently do not havematerials in stock (e.g., a camisole may be available on made-to-order in ivory but not in plum if we are out of stock of the plum fabric)

No, not always. Since our designer and maker, Marie-Eve, needs to be physically at the workshop to sew each item, production of made-to-order items is out on hold at several points of the year, for example, when we are away at events to meet you in person. If we do not have the required materials in stock to make certain products or colors, we unfortunately cannot offer the made-to-order option.

Here are our shipping times:

  • In-stock items: 3 to 7 business days
  • Made-to-order items: 10 to 15 business days

Orders that contain in-stock items and made-to-order items will ship at the same time, once your made-to-order items are ready.

Our product listings indicate when a product can be made to order in certain colors and sizes. When you attempt to place your order, instead of the ''Add to Cart'' button, you will see a ''Made to Order'' button. Simply click on that button to add your color/ size of choice to your cart. Visit our website regularly to see if an item can be made to order or, better yet, subscribe to our newsletter to find out when we are accepting on-demand orders.

No, we don’t do custom-made items. We offer a made-to-order option for items in our collection that are currently out of stock but for which we have all necessary produciton materials.

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