
Global Measure Inc. Certification

In 2023, we were proudly Certified Sustainable by Global Measure Inc. They're the experts in providing third-party validation and credibility to brands committed to making positive changes. Thanks to their process, we've gained valuable insights into our brand's impact from an ESG perspective, allowing us to better monitor and improve our sustainability efforts over time. 

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria are increasingly used by investors to assess how a company identifies and manages sustainability-related risks and opportunities. Global Measure goes beyond ESG. They include other important measures to give a holistic perspective of how sustainably and ethically your fashion brand operates.

We're thrilled to announce that Clothes + Roads has been Certified Sustainable by Global Measure Inc.! Their comprehensive third-party evaluation covered every aspect of our brand, from our commitments to our supply chain transparency and production impacts. This thorough process has filled us with optimism for the future of sustainable fashion brands like ours.

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