  • Our Rewards Program

    It is the button you can find at the bottom right of our website and it looks like this :

    There is no limit to the number of people you can refer or the number of times you can make referrals. So you can refer as many people and as often you want. The more you refer, the better are the chances of getting rewards!

    No. You can still send referral even if you haven't made a purchase on our website. You only need to have friends who you believe would be into our products and mission!

    An account is required for tracking purposes so we can send your friends and yourself your reward.Create an account now.

    No there is currently no time limit to use your reward.

    When your referral will be successful, meaning that when the friend you referred completes a first purchase using your referral link, you will be notified by an email and will receive your 15 % off discount code.

    No. There is a limit of one discount code use per purchase.

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