
FAQ - Wholesalers

Why open a wholesaler account?

  • Get access to wholesale prices

  • Order online


How can we get a wholesaler account?

Fill in the form right here, and you will receive an email as soon as your account is approved.


How can we make a wholesale order online?

  1. Create a wholesaler account

  2. Log in with your account details

  3. To make a quick order, head over our wholesale collection here. Wholesale prices will only appear on each individual product page once you are logged in.

  4. Add items to your cart.

  5. Checkout: add shipping information

  6. We confirm your order and processing time


What are your terms for payment?

  • Payment is due before the order is ready to be shipped 

What payment methods are accepted?

  • Credit card

  • Bank deposit

  • Bank transfer

What is your minimum order quantity?

We don't have minimum order quantity. Just buy what you need.


Shipping delays

  • 5 to 7 business days (when items are in stock)

  • Delays will be confirmed for pre-order or out of stock product.

Shipping fees

  • Calculated at checkout


  • We deliver with Canada Post. You will receive an order confirmation email and a tracking number when your package is ready to be shipped.

Is it possible to return items?

Yes, items that you wish to return must be in perfect condition for resale. You have 14 business days once you receive the order to ask for a return / exchange / reimbursement, by sending us the reason for return at

Shipping fees can’t be refunded as the service is carried by a third party.

Clearance items are final sale.


What are the shipping fees for returns?

Clients are responsible to pay shipping fees for the return, unless the items are faulty. Write at to give the return reason and get your return approved.

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

Shipping Address

Shipping Methods