
Practical Guide: How to Make the Most of Your Craft Market Shopping Experience

Practical Guide: How to Make the Most of Your Craft Market Shopping Experience

Visiting a craft market can be a wonderful experience but planning your visit in advance is key to making the most of it. This practical guide helps you optimize your experience so you can shop with intention while supporting local makers. Read on to make the most of your next craft fair visit!

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Five Things I Love About Craft Markets: The Benefits of Shopping from Small Businesses and Local Designers

Five Things I Love About Craft Markets: The Benefits of Shopping from Small Businesses and Local Designers

As the designer and manufacturer behind Clothes & Roads, I attend craft markets to showcase my handmade eco-conscious minimalist apparel. Being part of these exhibitions is always such a highlight for me as a business owner. But beyond participating as an artisan, I also love exploring craft shows as a visitor. There’s something so inspiring about wandering from booth to booth, meeting other makers, and discovering beautiful, locally made artisanal products. Craft markets are such a unique way to connect with the small business community and celebrate diversity in creativity.

Discover five things I love about craft fairs.

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7 Steps for a Successful Craft Show: How my apparel shop prepares for craft fairs

7 Steps for a Successful Craft Show: How my apparel shop prepares for craft fairs

Do you enjoy discovering local creations while chatting with the makers who designed them? In this post, I invite you to dive behind-the-scenes into a day in the life of my apparel shop as I prepare for craft shows. Every step of the process—from signing up to these markets, to logistical challenges, production, and strategic booth design—makes for a consuming and demanding marathon! Read on to uncover the effort that goes into every craft fair!

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